Precautions for piles during pregnancy
No need an introduction for hemorrhoids but want to explain to you why we are especially talking about piles during pregnancy. Piles are varicose veins of the rectum or below your uterus (womb). The woman often experiences hemorrhoids during pregnancy because of hormonal changes that slow down digestion, causing constipation and the additional pressure put on the veins of the lower body by the growing uterus and increase in body weight. You can help prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy by adjusting your diet and routine to reduce constipation and pressure on the rectal veins.
Drinking plenty of water and up your fiber intake to avoid constipation. And there are few precautions to follow during pregnancy. Will check those!
Constipation: why constipation important topic in human life especially in pregnancy? When you constipated, you have difficulty in passing bowel movements, which in turn increases the pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvic area and causes hemorrhoids. How to prevent constipation is just simply Adding fiber to your diet, rich fiber includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Water: drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, we all know proper hydration is essential for healthy pregnancy and for normal people as well. Just to know how much water you need, if you are drinking enough water, your urine will be clear else it will be a dark yellow color.
Avoid sitting and standing for long period of time: take frequent breaks and walk around. Both sitting and standing long period put pressure in the lower body and slow blood flow to the rectal veins, which increases hemorrhoids.
Exercise: taking 30 min of exercise per day helps keep your bowel movements regular and relieves the pressure on the veins in the rectum. Try simple exercises like walking, swimming, low-impact aerobics, yoga, and stretching.
Relaxing during the bowel movement, put your feet up during bowel movement, this relieve the pressure on the rectal area and allow you to pass Stoll easily.
Making few changes in regular lifestyle will help a lot. Hope you find this helpful.
If you want to go for Piles Laser Treatment in Hyderabad at affordable cost in our Piles Clinic? call us on 040 64589777 (OR) +91- 9618777847
The Best part in our Treat Piles Clinic is that we have a Specialist Lady Doctor for Piles Treatment in our Hyderabad Piles Clinic to help Lady Patients.
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